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Corona Virus/Covid-19


We wanted to know exactly how the Corona virus/Covid-19 is passed.

We are sure we are not the only ones. We are not experts but did some research and here is what we found. It is respiratory virus that affects your lungs. How is it passed on? It is passed on by respiratory droplets, the small bits of saliva/mucus coming from your nose and mouth. When a person with the virus, sneezes or coughs and doesn’t cover their mouth the droplets go flying. They can go anywhere and that is why it’s so contagious. Since it is a new virus they don’t know how long it lasts on items. For example if someone sneezes and it lands on railings or door handles, the virus could remain there for a few hours to a few days.

How far does a cough go?
According to research by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, state that coughing spreads droplets as far as six metres and expel almost 3,000 droplets in just one cough.

How about a sneeze how far does it go?
Based on new research from MIT, we know now that when you sneeze, it can travel as far as 200 feet–all thanks to a previously undetected gas bubble known as a “multiphase turbulent buoyant bubble.” A sneeze can expel almost 100,000 droplets!

Plus these droplets stay suspended in the air for up to 10 minutes!!!.

That means you don’t just have to be next to the person with the virus, you could touch something with the droplets on it or be walking through suspended droplets. That’s why shaking hands or being somewhere there is a large number of people is risky.

How does the virus enter your system?

If you then touch your mouth, eyes or nose without washing your hands first, you may accidentally give that virus an entry point into your own body. To infect someone, these particles don’t have to be breathed in, they just have to get into any mucosal surface — eyes, mouth or nose.

That means if you are touching your face by rubbing your eyes or nose the virus could enter your system. Also be aware of resting your face on your hand or biting your nails.

**Be in the present and count the times you touch your face, as it will help you make more a conscious effort to avoid doing it!

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